Posts filed under: Financing Blog

7 Ways Outsourcing Benefits Your Small Business

Outsourcing is a popular resource for small businesses. Hiring an outside firm or contractor to handle select job functions for your company instead of an in-house employee is an action you should consider to help your business. What Are the... Read More

5 Excellent Reasons To Say “No”

As a young person, you probably were taught to listen to and respect authority figures. This probably involved saying “yes” and not talking back. In general, culture teaches that to succeed, it’s important to play nice, complete tasks you’d rather... Read More

What You Need To Know as a Small Business Owner

There are a lot of different things to navigate when you are a small business owner. This can be true no matter what you are selling or where your business is located. Additionally, it can be even more true if... Read More

What Is Alternative Lending and How Can You Use it?

In modern business, it’s common for clients to have many different options to choose from. This doesn’t just apply to retail stores and coffee shops — it also applies to financing. As a business owner, you have more options than... Read More

Using Business Credit Cards To Control Employee Spending

As a business owner, you know that out-of-control costs are a major detriment to your success. You can’t gain and maintain a competitive edge with unchecked employee spending. In fact, many businesses state that controlling costs is a top priority.... Read More

How To Transform Your Great Business Idea Into a Real Opportunity

If you have brainstormed a great business idea, it’s time to move it from the daydream phase to a real opportunity you can pursue. Here are a few tips to help you get started on taking action on your entrepreneurship... Read More

How Mezzanine Investors See Returns

Mezzanine financing is financing designed to fill the gap between senior equity and debt in a company. You can structure this as unsecured debt or preferred stock. It allows investors to convert to equity interest. Usually, mezzanine financing is used... Read More

How Invoice Factoring Can Help Small Businesses

Small businesses need some extra cash from time to time, and sometimes it’s difficult to find exactly the right kind of financing. Fortunately, many companies offer funding through the means of invoice factoring. Especially for businesses who mostly deal with... Read More

How Hard Money Loans Can Help Commercial Real Estate Investors

Many people choose to open businesses in the field of commercial real estate investing. When you are an investor looking to turn a profit on a commercial property, you want to find the best financing option for your exact needs.... Read More

Effective Techniques for Increasing Small Business Sales

The key to upping profits in any business is sales. Knowing what methods to implement can be tricky, especially for startups. Thankfully, there are tried and true approaches that, with the right implementation, have been proven to increase one’s earning... Read More