All posts by: Abel Commercial Funding

Why CRE Investors Are Using Stated Income Loans

Traditional loans are often difficult to obtain. Banks and other lenders typically require steady income, proven track records and assets to be used as collateral before approving any loans. Unfortunately, the commercial real estate industry may experience its up and... Read More

Why Crowdfunding Falls Short Compared to Business Loans

Entrepreneurs often need investments and loans to be able to gather enough capital to start their business, purchase inventory and equipment, pay their expenses and more. While crowdfunding has become a popular way of collecting money, it usually isn’t as... Read More

5 Tips to Secure a Small Business Loan

Whether you need extra cash to deal with your daily expenses or you are just starting out, most small businesses often turn to loans when necessary. Here are some tips on how your organization can secure a small business loan.... Read More

Philadelphia Small Business Loans: Choosing a Lender

Philadelphia Small Business Loans: Choosing a Lender Small business loans are vital for everything from startup capital to growth projects, and everything in between. For entrepreneurs in Philadelphia, choosing the right lender for small business loans can seem overwhelming, with... Read More

Hard Money Loans 101

Real estate investment can be a great way to earn a living or get additional income. Unfortunately, most people don’t have the cash to purchase property outright and often need to obtain loans. Hard money loans can be a beneficial... Read More

5 Top Customer Service Tips

Ensuring that a customer is satisfied is a crucial part of running any business. Satisfied customers can become loyal customers and loyal customers are much more likely to recommend your business to their network of family and friends. For successful... Read More

NYC Lines Of Credit: Helping New And Existing Businesses

Business Lines of Credit for New York City Businesses Businesses in New York City thrive and grow based on the working capital they have available. For many NYC entrepreneurs, working capital means taking out loans and taking on debt in... Read More

NYC House Flipping: Improving Neighborhoods

NYC house flipping projects are not only one of the most accessible ways to generate revenue for commercial real estate investors, but they also improve entire neighborhoods with a long reaching positive economic impact. NYC House Flipping Projects Are Affordable... Read More

Quick Tips for Boosting Business Productivity

Whether you are a business owner or employee, you may have multiple things you need to get done in a short amount of time. Finishing reports, meeting with clients, fixing problems and more can all take up a lot of... Read More

SBA Loans In NYC: Clearing Up Some Big Misconceptions

Using SBA loans in NYC gives starting and growing businesses the ability to establish themselves and expand operations, respectively. However, there is a lot of misinformation floating around about securing SBA loans in NYC, where to get them, and how... Read More